Hair Restoration

Conveniently located to serve the areas of New York, NY

Dr. Jennifer Levine is the premiere provider of regenerative hair restoration treatments, offering a comprehensive suite of advanced therapies to address hair loss. Our treatments include Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), Platelet-Rich Fibrin Matrix (PRFM) therapy, Sylfirm X RF microneedling, exosome therapy, and Nutrafol supplements, providing a multi-faceted approach to stimulate hair growth and improve scalp health.

PRP & PRFM Hair Restoration

What’s the Difference?

While both PRP and PRFM utilize the healing potential of platelets, PRFM represents an advanced form of therapy. The key distinction lies in the fibrin matrix used in PRFM, which acts as a scaffold for the platelets, allowing for a longer release of growth factors. This sustained release promotes a more robust healing process, making PRFM particularly effective for stimulating hair growth and improving scalp health. The Selphyl system enhances this process by producing a purer platelet concentrate, minimizing contaminants and maximizing efficacy.

How It Works

PRP / PRFM treatment uses injections of a concentration of a patient’s own platelets. PRP stimulates collagen and elastin production which stimulates hair follicles. It can also be used for facial rejuvenation to thicken and tighten skin, smoothing wrinkles and fine lines.

The Selphyl Advantage

What sets PRFM apart in the realm of regenerative therapies is the utilization of the Selphyl system. This advanced processing technique further refines the platelet concentrate, significantly reducing contaminants. The Selphyl system precisely creates the fibrin matrix integral to PRFM, ensuring a purer, more potent formulation. This meticulous approach maximizes the efficacy of the treatment, delivering a superior solution for hair restoration that leverages the prolonged activity of growth factors to achieve remarkable results.

Sylfirm X + Exosomes for Hair Growth

How Sylfirm X Hair Restoration Works

Sylfirm X is the first FDA-approved dual-wave RF microneedling device, offering a unique combination of pulsed and continuous wave radiofrequency technology. This dual-wave approach allows Sylfirm X to target the deeper layers of the scalp more effectively, promoting collagen production and enhancing hair follicle health. By delivering radiofrequency energy through microneedles, Sylfirm X stimulates the scalp and rejuvenates hair follicles, leading to thicker and healthier hair.

The Benefits of Exosomes for Hair Loss

Exosomes are intracellular packets of growth factors isolated from mesenchymal stem cells. Exosome therapy is performed in tandem with PRP / PRFM as well as Sylfirm X RF microneedling, layering the exosomes on the scalp after the treatments. This can speed up the hair restoration process, typically requiring only 3-4 sessions to see desired results, with visible improvements in 3-5 weeks. Exosomes significantly enhance fibroblast activity by 80% and increase collagen and elastin production by 300%, making the hair grow longer, thicker, and healthier.

What to Expect

Quick Treatment: Due to its advanced, gliding technology, each session takes only 15-20 minutes!

Pain Free: Sylfirm X treatment is painless.

Results: Thicker, healthier hair growth is visible within 2-3 months after a full treatment, consisting of 3-4 sessions.

Nutrafol Supplements

How Nutrafol Supports Hair Growth

Nutrafol supplements, which are available for purchase at our practice and our online shop, are a key component of a comprehensive hair restoration regimen, working from within to enhance hair growth by providing a rich blend of essential nutrients. Clinical studies have shown that Nutrafol can improve hair thickness by 80% and reduce shedding by up to 32% in just six months. These supplements support hair health by addressing various factors like stress, hormonal imbalances, and poor nutrition, which are known to contribute to hair thinning and loss.

Benefits of Using Nutrafol

Nutrafol complements hair restoration treatments such as PRP/PRFM and Sylfirm X, helping to maximize results. Patients using Nutrafol can expect to see stronger, fuller hair with less shedding. The supplement’s unique formulation not only targets hair growth but also improves scalp health, making it an invaluable addition to any hair restoration plan.


Is PRP / PRFM like the Vampire Facial treatment?

That’s right! Kourtney’s sister, Kim Kardashian, made the treatment popular in 2013. She used it for facial rejuvenation. In 2019, Kourtney Kardashian shared her use of PRP to combat hair loss.

How long before I see new hair growth from PRP / PRFM treatment?

While individual responses vary, patients typically begin to notice new hair growth around 3 to 6 months after treatment. PRFM treatments, like PRP, promote hair follicles’ activation and renewal over time, with continuous improvement observed with subsequent treatments​​​​.

How many treatments are needed?

For PRP hair restoration with Exosomes, treatments are recommended once a month for 3 months with a maintenance treatment every 6 months following. This can depend on the body’s unique response.

Can PRP / PRFM be used with other hair loss treatments?

Yes, PRP and by extension PRFM, due to their unique mechanisms of action, can be effectively combined with other hair loss treatments, such as DHT blockers, Rogaine, or laser therapy. This combination often results in synergistic effects, enhancing overall treatment outcomes​​.

How do exosomes work in hair restoration?

Exosomes are micro-vesicles released from cells, playing a crucial role in cell communication and regenerative processes. In hair restoration, exosomes deliver growth factors and proteins to the scalp, stimulating hair follicle regeneration and promoting hair growth. They can be used in both early and later stages of hair loss and are effective for various conditions, including alopecia areata.

What benefits can I expect from exosome hair restoration?

Patients can expect to see fuller, thicker, and healthier hair, with improvements also noted in hair growth around scars from previous hair transplantation procedures. Exosome therapy offers natural hair restoration with long-lasting results, enhancing self-confidence​​.

How can I improve hair growth at home?

To optimize your hair growth results, Dr. Levine might recommend Nutrafol supplements alongside PRFM / PRP and exosome therapy.

What causes hair loss?

Hair loss can result from hereditary factors, aging, hormonal imbalances, including postpartum, as well as conditions like Alopecia areata.

Does rapid weight loss from Ozempic cause hair loss?

Rapid weight loss can stress the body, potentially leading to a temporary increase in hair shedding, known as telogen effluvium. This condition is usually temporary, with hair typically regrowing once the body adjusts to the new weight. Hair restoration treatments, and supplements like Nutrafol, can help speed up the process.

Ready to restore healthy, voluminous health? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Levine today to determine the best treatment for your hair restoration goals.

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