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Rhinoplasty: Why A Celebrity Nose Might Not Be Right For You

Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular facial cosmetic procedures offered by Dr. Levine. By altering the structure of the nose, it can enhance your face aesthetically that will ensure the overall appearance of your face will be improved and not changed.

Before deciding to undergo rhinoplasty it is good to always conduct your research. Look into costs, the recovery time, and of course it is good to have some inspiration to show to your doctor during your consultation so they can go over in depth with you the right steps for you.

Often times patients will bring in photos of celebrities and want to have the perfect nose, however, one thing to consider is that what might look nice on Kim Kardashian, might not exactly suit your face shape and structure. It is good to have a source of inspiration to bring into your consultation, however, you should not expect that what may work for one person will work for others.

Dr. Jennifer Levine is considered one of the best rhinoplasty surgeons in New York City, because of her in depth consultation process. She really takes the time to get to know her patient’s goals, that allows her to create results based around her philosophy of Believable Beauty™.

Using a diagnostic approach, Dr. Levine will examine a patient’s features to see what is causing the source of their facial disharmony. She will then tailor a treatment to an individual patient taking into consideration their unique facial features and how they can best work together, by focusing on the anatomy and changes that will have occurred with age other than strictly what can be seen on the surface. Thus, creating the most ideal and believable look for their patient.

To us, cosmetic surgery should not be about creating a new person. It should be used as a tool to help you become the best version of yourself aesthetically.

Why not come see for yourself what we can help you achieve here at the offices of Dr. Levine and schedule a consultation, 646.362.5245. Let us help you in presenting the best version of yourself to the world!