Facelift / Neck Lift

Conveniently located to serve the areas of New York, NY

Facelift Neck Lift Dr. Jennifer Levine

A facelift, or rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that rejuvenates the face by tightening and repositioning facial tissue. As signs of aging evident on the face often extend to the neck, a neck lift can often complement a facelift for optimal results that look natural and complete. From a mini facelift to a deep plane lift, various degrees of facelifts can be performed to ensure your individual aesthetic goals are met.

Dr. Jennifer Levine, renowned facelift specialist in New York City, is one of few facial plastic surgeons to be double-board-certified through the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, giving her a unique knowledge of the face and its underlying structures. From the comfort of our fully accredited private surgical suite on the Upper East Side of NYC, Dr. Levine uses the latest surgical facelift techniques to restore patients’ youthful contours and confidence.

If you are considering a facelift, we encourage you to call our NYC practice at (212) 517-9400 to schedule a personal consultation. During your consultation, Dr. Levine will listen to your goals, assess your unique facial anatomy, and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan to achieve your desired outcome.

Before and After Photos

Facelift Overview

Patient Story

A mini facelift is typically suited for individuals who are beginning to notice signs of aging but do not yet have significant sagging or deep wrinkles. It primarily targets the mid-face and jawline, aiming to correct moderate sagging and enhance the definition of these areas. The incisions are usually smaller and hidden behind the ears, leading to a shorter recovery time. (1) A mini facelift offers subtle rejuvenation and is often ideal for patients in their 40s or those looking for preventative measures against aging.

Lower Facelift

A lower facelift targets more pronounced signs of aging in the lower third of the face, including jawline contouring. This procedure is designed to address significant sagging skin and jowls. The incisions for a lower facelift can be similar to those of a mini facelift but could extend further to allow for more extensive skin removal and tissue adjustment. While a lower facelift includes some degree of neck improvement, especially concerning jowls and jawline definition, its primary focus is on the lower third of the face.

Neck Lift

A neck lift addresses aging signs in the neck and under the chin, offering a more toned and slender neck profile. Often performed in conjunction with a facelift, a neck lift addresses loose skin and muscle banding in the neck (platysmal bands), effectively correcting the appearance of a “turkey neck.” A neck lift may also include neck liposuction, which removes excess fat from under the chin.

Deep Plane Facelift/Deep Plane Face and Neck Lift

The deep plane lift repositions and tightens the entire facial framework, including the SMAS and the deeper muscular layers, to restore a naturally youthful contour. Renowned for its ability to address more pronounced facial sagging, jowls, and deep-set nasolabial folds, the deep plane lift offers significant enhancements by lifting the deeper layers of the face in unity. (2) Incisions are strategically made along the hairline and around the ears to allow for deep structural enhancements while keeping changes discreet.

Benefits of a Facelift

  • Optimal facial contouring: Facelift surgery restores defined contours, providing a more attractive, well-proportioned facial structure.
  • Wrinkle reduction: Patients can significantly reduce deep wrinkles and creases, as Dr. Levine tightens and smoothes the skin during the procedure.
  • Skin tightening: Dr. Levine lifts and tightens sagging skin, resulting in a firmer, more youthful complexion.
  • Reduces jowls: The elimination of loose skin and excess fat in the jowl area creates a refined jawline and a more defined profile.
  • Corrects facial sagging: A facelift addresses tissue laxity, repositioning facial muscles and tissues to create a more youthful appearance.
  • Long-lasting results: Facelift results can last for many years, making it a valuable investment in maintaining a youthful appearance.
  • Increased confidence: A smoother, more youthful facial appearance can greatly boost self-esteem and confidence levels.
  • Natural-looking outcomes: Dr. Levine combines her surgical expertise with an artistic eye to achieve results that appear natural and harmonious with each patient’s facial features.

Facelift Candidates

Deciding to undergo a facelift or neck lift is a personal journey, and understanding who stands to benefit the most from these procedures can guide you toward making an informed decision. Ideal candidates for facelift and neck lift surgeries typically include individuals who:

  • Experience Moderate to Severe Facial Aging: Those who notice significant sagging skin, deep wrinkles, and loss of facial volume are excellent candidates. These procedures can dramatically rejuvenate the face and neck by tightening loose skin and redefining facial contours.
  • Have Good Skin Elasticity: Ideal candidates possess some degree of skin flexibility. Good skin elasticity helps achieve smoother, more natural-looking results post-surgery.
  • Maintain a Stable Weight: Patients should be at a stable weight to ensure the longevity of the surgical results. Significant weight fluctuations post-surgery can affect the outcome.
  • Are in Good Overall Health: Undergoing any surgical procedure requires good physical health. Candidates should be free from any medical conditions that might impair healing or increase surgery risks.
  • Have Realistic Expectations: Understanding what facelift and neck lift surgeries can and cannot do is crucial. Ideal candidates have a positive outlook and realistic expectations about the surgery’s outcomes.
  • Non-smokers or Willing to Quit: Smoking can significantly impair healing and increase the risk of complications. Non-smokers, or those willing to quit before and after surgery, are ideal candidates.
  • Are Seeking Long-term Solutions: While non-surgical treatments offer temporary benefits, individuals looking for more enduring results may find facelift and neck lift surgeries to be ideal solutions.

Dr. Levine will evaluate your candidacy during your facelift consultation, which you can schedule online or by calling (212) 517-9400.

Personal Consultation

Dr. Levine believes in providing personalized care tailored to each patient’s unique needs and goals. A personal consultation is an essential first step in determining if a facelift is the correct course of action for your desired outcome. During this initial meeting, Dr. Levine will review your medical history and discuss your cosmetic concerns comprehensively. She will examine your facial structures, including the skin, underlying muscles, and fat distribution. This evaluation will help her understand your individual requirements and determine the most suitable facelift technique to address your concerns effectively.

Dr. Levine will also assess the elasticity and quality of your skin, examining factors such as sun damage, skin laxity, and overall texture. By combining her surgical expertise with an artistic eye, Dr. Levine will guide you toward the most appropriate treatment plan to achieve optimal results.


Before undergoing a facelift procedure, you will receive detailed preoperative instructions to ensure a smooth and successful surgery.

In the Weeks Before Your Facelift

  • Discontinue certain medications or supplements as advised by Dr. Levine.
  • Cease the use of nicotine in the weeks leading up to surgery and throughout the recovery period.
  • Fill prescriptions for pain medication and antibiotics in advance.
  • Arrange transportation for the day of the surgery, as you will need someone to drive you home.
  • Arrange time off from work and other commitments to allow for adequate rest during the recovery period.

Day of Your Facelift

  • Avoid eating or drinking anything, including water, on the morning of your surgery.
  • Please do not wear contact lenses to your surgery; glasses are acceptable.
  • Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that buttons or zips rather than clothing that needs to be pulled over your head.


Facelift Neck Lift Dr. Jennifer Levine

Dr. Levine prioritizes patient safety and comfort, ensuring the facelift and neck lift procedures are pain-free, and performed under general anesthesia. Post-procedure, she may prescribe medication to manage any discomfort effectively.

During the procedure, she makes strategic incisions to minimize visible scarring—typically along the hairline and around the ears, possibly extending to the lower scalp. These incisions allow for the repositioning and tightening of facial muscles and the removal of excess skin, achieving a more youthful contour. The procedure may also include neck liposuction for optimal sculpting and balance. Depending on the extent of the procedure, a facelift procedure can take 2 to 6 hours.

Recovery & Results

Waking up from anesthesia, you may feel disoriented, similar to waking from a deep sleep, with possible temporary chills or nausea—common reactions that quickly subside. Post-operative swelling, soreness, and bruising are normal and expected to gradually diminish over the following days. Dr. Levine is available to address any concerns, especially if symptoms intensify.

Recovery instructions may include:

  • Refraining from strenuous activities for at least 3 weeks; light exercise may be resumed as advised.
  • Protecting your skin with sunblock and avoid direct sunlight and tanning beds post-surgery.
  • Keeping bandages intact until your follow-up appointment for removal.
  • Follow all medication guidelines provided by Dr. Levine to aid your healing process.

Recovery involves rest and minimal stress; however, keeping moderately active is beneficial.

Following surgery, we typically remove your sutures in 5 to 9 days, based on individual healing and Dr. Levine’s assessment. We will apply a bandage to minimize swelling and support the new facial contours for about 24 hours, with most patients reporting minimal discomfort, which patients can easily manage with prescribed medications.

The visible improvements from your facelift or neck lift will evolve as swelling reduces, with initial results noticeable within a week and more significant outcomes developing over the following months.

Corresponding & Complementary Procedures

Liquid Facelift

The liquid facelift is a non-surgical facelift procedure that uses dermal fillers for facial rejuvenation and injectable treatments to restore facial volume. Also known as facial contouring with dermal fillers, this innovative procedure offers individuals a minimally invasive alternative to traditional facelift surgery. A liquid facelift aims to reverse signs of aging and enhance facial features without the need for incisions or anesthesia.

View Liquid Facelift before and after photos.


Ultherapy is a non-invasive procedure that harnesses the power of ultrasound energy to lift and tighten the skin. Unlike other treatments, Ultherapy bypasses the surface of the skin and delivers energy precisely to depths where collagen stimulation occurs. This targeted approach allows for deep tissue repair and renewal, resulting in noticeable improvements in skin laxity and texture.

View Ultherapy before and after photos.

What is Platysmaplasty?

Platysmaplasty is a specialized surgical procedure focused on the platysma muscle, which extends from the lower face to the collarbone. Dr. Levine regularly combines this surgery with a neck lift to address neck banding, sagging, and other signs of aging in the neck area. By tightening the platysma muscle, platysmaplasty can significantly enhance the contour and appearance of the neck, providing a more youthful and defined profile. (3)

Why Consider Platysmaplasty?

  • Improved Neck Contour: Platysmaplasty effectively tightens and smooths the neck muscles, reducing the appearance of vertical bands and loose skin.
  • Enhanced Facelift and Neck Lift Results: When combined with a facelift or neck lift, platysmaplasty enhances the overall results by ensuring a cohesive, youthful appearance from the face down to the neck.
  • Long-Lasting Results: The procedure addresses the underlying muscle structure, providing longer-lasting results compared to skin-only treatments.

Ideal Candidates for Platysmaplasty

Ideal candidates for platysmaplasty are individuals experiencing neck sagging, vertical bands, or a lack of definition in the neck area. This procedure is particularly beneficial for those who want comprehensive rejuvenation that includes both the face and neck. A consultation with Dr. Levine will determine if platysmaplasty is the right choice for your specific aesthetic goals.

The Platysmaplasty Procedure

During a platysmaplasty, Dr. Levine typically makes an incision under the chin or behind the ears. Through these incisions, she will access and tighten the platysma muscle. The muscle may be sutured together to create a smoother neck contour. Excess skin is also removed, and the incisions are carefully closed to minimize scarring.

Recovery & Results

  • Recovery Time: Initial recovery from platysmaplasty usually takes about 1-2 weeks, with most patients returning to normal activities within this period. Swelling and bruising are common but typically subside within a few weeks. However, as this procedure is often combined with a neck lift, recovery times can differ depending on the extent of the overall procedure.
  • Results: Patients will notice an immediate improvement in neck contour, with results continuing to enhance as swelling decreases over the following months. The final outcome is a smoother, more youthful neck appearance that complements the results of a facelift or neck lift.

Cost of a Facelift in NYC

The cost of a facelift can vary between patients, depending on various factors such as the extent of the procedure, additional treatments performed, and other associated fees. During your personal consultation with Dr. Jennifer Levine, she will provide you with an accurate estimate based on your individualized treatment plan. We believe in transparency when it comes to costs and will be happy to address any financial questions you may have.

To discuss the cost of your facelift procedure, call our practice at (212) 517-9400 or fill out our online contact form to schedule a consultation.


  1. Van Pham T, Truong KHTN. Short or Minimum Incision Deep Plane/Extended Deep Plane Facelift/Rhytidectomy. Facial Plastic Surgery. 2020;36(04):376-385. doi:https://doi.org/10.1055/s-0040-1714118
  2. Raggio BS, Patel BC. Deep Plane Facelift. PubMed. Published 2021. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK545277/
  3. Alexander L, Patel BC. Platysmaplasty Facelift. PubMed. Published 2021. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK563291/