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Meet Aveli: The Newest Way to Get Rid of Cellulite

Suns out, buns out! But those pesky cellulite marks that just make us so self-conscious when we should be living our best life in our bikinis and short shorts. Cellulite is a very common condition that affects over 90% of women. But what exactly causes it? 

Cellulite is caused by a buildup of extra fat under the skin. Cellulite is much more prevalent in women than in men because women’s fat is typically more distributed in the thighs, hips, and buttocks.

Cellulite is also more common with aging when the skin loses its elasticity. There are three factors that lead to the appearance of cellulite, which is essentially dimpled skin; As we age, our fat cells get larger, our skin gets thinner, and the fibrous bands under the skin get irregularly tight. These fibrous bands called septa tend to stiffen or shrink over time and as the buildup of fat pushes out against the connective tissue, thus giving skin a dimpled appearance.

There are quite a few methods that have been tried to get rid of cellulite, including weight loss, exercise, massage, and creams marketed as a solution to cellulite. The results of these tactics, though they might yield results, are not permanent.


What is Avéli?

Dr. Jennifer Levine is pleased to offer Avéli. The minimally invasive treatment works by inserting the Avéli device under the skin through several minor incisions in the skin. Once this is done, Dr. Levine can then locate the septa and then unhook a blade that will sever the band. The blade normally stays sharp enough to treat both the buttocks and thighs in a single session. Best news of all, this is a one-time procedure!

While Avéli is not the only cellulite treatment on the market, it is the only one that confirms that the intended septa have been indeed severed. This allows for greater accuracy and fewer side effects.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and typically lasts an hour. As with any minimal invasion procedure, you will experience soreness and swelling afterward and some mild bruising. The bruising occurs due to the injection of the anesthesia and also the manipulation of the tissues by the Avéli device. Some localized pain is also expected within the first 24 hours but it is likely to subside within 2 weeks, as with the soreness and swelling. The results from Avéli will be visible once the bruising and swelling subside. This is usually about one month after the treatment.


Who is Aveli for?

If you are not sure if this procedure is right for you, schedule a consultation with Dr. Levine where she will assess your condition to determine if Avéli is the best course of action. If not, Levine Center for Plastic Surgery offers multiple solutions for cellulite that may be better fit for you.

As with other cellulite solutions, Avéli acts only on discrete dimples and not textural issues related to skin laxity thus it’s important for Dr. Levine to do a thorough exam and determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure. The treatment may be a good option for women with busy schedules since only a single treatment is needed.