Conveniently located to serve the areas of New York, NY

Committed to innovation and delivering the best results to our patients, we are the only office on the Upper East Side of Manhattan to offer QuadSculpting with two CoolSculpting® Elite machines, which allows four areas to be treated at once.
We all have stubborn areas of fat that don’t respond to diet and exercise. Whether it is your chin, flanks, thighs, tummy or even upper arms, CoolSculpting® Elite can reduce the fat up to 25%.

“82% of patients would recommend this treatment to a friend”
Before and After Photos
How is CoolSculpting® Elite different from original CoolSculpting®?
While the older, Legacy machines worked well, there are a few key differences why we upgraded to Elite:
- Treat four areas at once: Our patients appreciate efficiency. CoolSculpting® Elite comes with two applicators, allowing it to treat two areas at once. We have two Elite machines, which allows our patients to treat up to four areas in one cycle! QuadSculpting is the fastest, most efficient way to reduce fat on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.
- Larger “tissue draw”: Elite applicators draw in approximately 18% more skin surface, delivering even better results that the Legacy machines. That also means more results for your investment.

How does CoolSculpting® work?
Invented by Harvard medical scientists and FDA approved in 2010, CoolSculpting® combines its innovative technology with your body’s own natural elimination of dead cells. It works through cryolipolysis, or the crystallization of fat cells beneath the skin’s surface. These dead cells are then naturally removed by your body’s lymphatic system. Because there is no penetration and the technology specifically targets fat cells, all others cells are unaffected.

Which areas does CoolSculpting® Elite treat?
It is currently FDA-cleared to treat the following areas:
- Upper and lower abdomen
- Flanks
- Bra fat
- Back fat
- Submental area (under the chin)
- Under the buttocks (banana roll)
- Upper arms
Because we have two CoolSculpting® Elite machines, our patients are able to address four areas in the same amount of time!
Am I a good candidate?
As CoolSculpting® Elite is a non-surgical treatment, more patients are able to take advantage of it. An ideal patient has visible bulges of fat in the treatment areas and is within 30 lbs of their ideal weight. Not sure if you are a good candidate? Call us at 212.517.9400.
How long is each treatment? How many treatments will I need?
Depending on your goals and the area being treatment, each treatment can be 35 – 60 minutes. When you come in for your initial treatment, we will discuss your goals in detail and make an individualized plan for any additional treatments that may be necessary to reach them.
How much does CoolSculpting® Elite cost?
Pricing varies depending on the areas being treated and the number of treatments necessary to reach your goals. To find out the pricing for your particular treatment, call us at 212.517.9400 to schedule an appointment. If you would like to treat two areas at once, request a dual sculpting appointment.
How long is recovery time?
One of the reasons our patients love CoolSculpting® Elite is that it has no downtime. You could schedule your appointment during the lunch hour and go right back to work. You are also able to go back to your normal fitness routine right away.
What are the side effects?
Some patients report common side effects such as numbness, tingling sensation, and minor bruising to the affected body area, but all resolve within a few weeks’ time as the body naturally heals itself.