Are you ready for spring break?

The easy part is booking travel and packing your luggage. But is your body ready to hit the sand? If not, now is the time to make a change to confidently rock that beach wear!
The most popular spring break combination treatment is the non-surgical butt lift with cellulite reduction. By combining fat reduction treatments like WarmSculpting (formerly SculpSure), cosmetic filler Sculptra, muscle-building Emsculpt NEO and hyper-dilute Radiesse, you can achieve a lifted, fuller butt with a reduced appearance of cellulite.
BREAKING NEWS: We are excited to be one of the first practices in the United States to offer QWO™, the first and only FDA-approved injectable for moderate to severe cellulite. Read more about it here.
The filler Sculptra is made up of poly-L-lactic acid which replaces lost collagen over time. Although it is often used to fill in deep facial lines and wrinkles, Sculptra is also a wonder for enhancing the butt area. When it is injected, it promotes the body’s natural production of collagen and lifts the area.
To achieve a smoother look and feel, WarmSculpting is used to reduce the appearance of fat under the buttocks, often referred to as “banana rolls.” WarmSculpting is a laser that uses light wavelength to specifically target and reduce fat cells. The treated fat cells permanently break down over six to twelve weeks. This combination treatment is safe and completely non-invasive so it won’t slow down your busy lifestyle.
One of the newest and hottest ways to get beach ready is Emsculpt NEO, an ideal solution to tone your body, burn fat fast and build muscle on your abdomen or glutes. And it is completely non-invasive!
Emsculpt NEO uses radiofrequency heating plus high intensity focused electromagnetic fields to burn fat and tighten muscle fibers. You’ll burn fat as the temperature needed is reached in 4 minutes or less and that temperature is consistent throughout the treatment. Emsculpt NEO’s high-intensity contractions build muscle mass, contours in the treatment area and increases strength. Imagine doing 20,000 squats or crunches and that is the result you will see with Emsculpt NEO! The short sessions are painless and you will return back to regular routine after each session without missing a beat.
Planning now will guarantee a memorable Spring Break this year. Call (212) 517-9400 to make an appointment with Dr. Jennifer Levine, a double-board certified facial plastic surgeon and body contouring expert.