
BROTOX: Will you give it a shot?

  Women have long been known to openly care more for how old they look than men, but the playing field is evening out. In lieu of reality TV, selfies and higher expectations, men are now becoming just as concerned about their appearance. The face, being the most visible and […]

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What Dad Really Wants This Father’s Day

Another tie? A new gadget? How about a rejuvenated look and a boost to his confidence, instead? Statistics show that a rapidly increasing number of men are getting rejuvenating treatments – both surgical and non-invasive – however it is women who most often make their first appointments! Below are some […]

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5 Ways to Protect Your Skin This Summer

  Summer is around the corner and the #1 question we get is… how do I protect my skin? Although you should be protecting exposed skin throughout the year, Summer yields more skin bared and therefore, more need for protection. The formula to healthy skin is quite simple: Healthy Skin […]

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How Do I Get Kylie Jenner Lips?

We won’t speculate on whether or not Kylie Jenner started the trend, but… plump, full lips are all the rage! And the good news is that you can get your version of them too. Why do we say, “your version”? Because pasting Kylie’s lips on your face will probably not […]

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Facelift: When do you need it?

If you follow the popular cosmetic surgery site, Real Self, you may notice that there are many questions from patients who are considering a procedure that will give their face a rejuvenated look. Being one of the most popular surgical procedures for the face, according to American Society of Plastic […]

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New Year, New You: Top 5 Procedures to Try in 2016

  Did you make a resolution to look and feel your best in 2016? There are so many tempting ways to do that – from the newest diet fad to the cream that promises to reduce your age by decades – but not all of them work. To help you […]

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Why You Shouldn’t Pack Away the Sunscreen in the Winter

Although the temperatures are dropping and the sun is setting earlier each day, that doesn’t mean that you should put away your sunscreen. In fact, as any dermatologist will probably tell you, protecting your skin is something that you should do all year-round! Believe it or not, getting sunburned during […]

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5 Winter Skin Care Tips From Head to Toe

We may be enjoying a warm December, but the drop in humidity may be wreaking havoc on your skin. Dryness can make your skin look and feel sickly, which is never in style. The tips below will help you adjust your skin care routine to better protect and nourish your […]

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Say “Goodbye” to Gobble-Gobble with KYBELLA®

Thanksgiving has come and gone, but you may still be thinking “gobble-gobble” when you look in the mirror. While regular exercise and proper diet can slim down many parts of your body, fat under the chin can be difficult to trim. In fact, until recently, it was nearly impossible for […]

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